If the center of the cursor is over the foreground color when you begin dragging, the area is erased to the background color. READ: What does pressing the power button 5 times do? How do I remove part of a picture? The Eraser tool can make pixels transparent or match them to the image background color….Remove parts of an image with the Eraser tool Select the banner lines and any other text that you want to delete from the file.
To remove the bottom piece, you can use similar technique. Hold down Alt or Option and you’ll see a minus sign next to the icon for the tool. How do I delete part of a circle in Photoshop? Select the cut segment with the Selection tool and press Delete to remove it. Click in two places on the inner circle as shown. Click and hold the Knife tool in the Tools panel and select the Scissors tool. Press Alt+Shift (Option+Shift) and drag a point to make a smaller, perfect circle. How can I edit existing text in an image online?.How do I delete an image in Adobe Acrobat Pro?.